Outcome Focussed Provision

Good governance, quality of care and the delivery of successful outcomes are central to our purpose of helping our Service User’s lead a life of value and they are also embedded into our policies.

Our Managers are experienced at working with people with complex needs and they oversee qualified and skilled care teams. We match the requirements of the person supported with suitable staff, and ensure as much consistency of staff as possible.

The number of care staff involved in the support of our Service Users will be outlined in the Person Centred Support Plan. Our Person Centred Care Plans are reviewed regularly to ensure they reflect and identified outcomes.

As support providers,  we are able to show very clearly how our work makes a real, tangible and positive difference in the life of each and every person we support. Reviews are conducted when a change in need is identified and may be initiated by ourselves, the customer, commissioning or the council.

Quality Of Life Outcomes

Our Service Users to have access to normal activities and patterns of life in ways that maximize feelings of choice and control and encompass social, physical and emotional needs;

  • Access to positive relationships, friends and community- being valued and a feeling of belonging
  • The importance of family and relationships
  • Social integration and being part of a community
  • Access to meaningful activity and stimulation
  • Maximising a sense of autonomy
  • Maintaining a sense of personal identity
  • Feeling safe and secure in their own homes
  • Being financially secure
  • Maintaining their dignity
  • Living in a clean and comfortable environment.

Service Outcomes

Measuring performance is vital  to excellent care and support in achieving goals and long-term independence.

  • Shared decision making about who they live with and the services they receive
  • Feeling valued and respected
  • Being treated as an individual
  • Being able to relate to other customers.
  • Improved health and emotional wellbeing
  • Making a positive contribution
  • Increased choice and control
  • Freedom from discrimination and harassment
  • Being active, staying healthy and contributing
  • Continuing to learn
  • Valuing diversity
  • Approachable local services
  • Having choices, taking risks.